2012년 1월 15일 일요일


Throughout the three days of conference, UNEP was known as the cutest commiteee will all delegates from middle school. Frankly, before YMUN 2012 began, we did not have high prospects for these delegates; nevertheless, these young delegates proved us wrong, as their energy and volition to participate exceeded any other committee.

The committee secretariat and chairs of UNEP

The head staff and committee secretariat

The delegate of Brazil in front of UNEP's banner

DAY 3: Delegates of ECOSOC

These are pictures of delegates in the ECOSOC conference room on the last day of YMUN 2012. These were taken after a series of entertaining numbers, where delegates showed off their talents, singing and dancing to random music. The three days of tense atmosphere cheered up as the delegates finally let loose. Enjoy!:)

DAY 3: ECOSOC Delegates singing at the podium

The delegates of Belgium singing a pop song

Delegates applauding to the performance

Delegate of Mongolia singing in front of the audience

DAY 3: GA 2

Here are photos of extremely enthusiastic delegates of GA2. The chairs and staffs of YDMUN 2012 were all positively surprised by how capable and energetic they were. ;D


Here's the list of superlatives from each committee... Seems like you all had fun :)

Hottest Male: CS
Hottest Female: Poland
Sexiest voice: Poland
Best dresser: Poland
Bitchiest delegate: Italy
The one who is most likely to raise world war 3: Italy
Best Couple: Italy & IMF (gay couple)
Most resembling an animal: CS(Winnie the Pooh)
Most resembling the people of his/her country represented: Italy
Where were you?: Czech Republic

Hottest: Min Gu Yu (Chair)
Cutest: Gabon (강한솔)
Best Couple: Gabon (강한솔) & Bosnia and Herzegovina (원효정)
Best Accent: Jenny Hwang (CS)
Sexiest Voice: Ka Won Lee (Chair)
Bitchiest: China (June Lee/ Super Delegate), France (오유진)
Most likely to become the next Kim Jong Il: USA (오정우)
Best dresser: South Africa (이건희)
Nerdiest: USA (오정우)

Hottest Delegate (Male/Female): Uruguay, Russian Federation/Australia
Best Dresser (Male/Female): Uruguay, Chair Sanghyun Park/Malaysia
Best Couple: India & Russian Federation
Funniest Delegate: France
Most likely to declare a war: UK
Most likely to assassinate the chairs: UK
Sexiest Voice: Norway
Most Flirtatious: Uruguay, Russian Federation

Hottest M: CS/Ghana, F: Female Chair/Venezuela
Best Dresser M: South Africa, F: Nicaragua
Nerdiest Delegate: Belgium
Sexiest Voice: Mongolia
Best Couple: Mexico & Canada
Where were you?: Italy
Delegate who most resembles his/her country: Bangladesh & Mongolia
Most likely to declare a war: Canada/Ghana/Mongolia
Most likely to be killed by the chairs: Canada/Ghana/Mongolia
Bitchiest delegate: Canada & Mexico
Most pure minded: Ghana, Venezuela
Delegate that most resembles animals or celebrities:
Belgium-봉태규, 라따뚜이
Cambodia- 고양이
Canada- 원숭이
지연 (staff)- 박봄
Italy- 2AM 진운
Flirtiest delegate: Male chair